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22 апреля 2016

Олеся г. Санкт-Петербург

Подарила данное устройство своей подруге, у которой маленький грудной ребенок. Как оказалось очень удобная вещь! Таймер на этой насадке позволяет экономить не только воду, но и время, тем самым избавляя от лишних хлопот хозяйку с ребенком на руках!

Насадка на смеситель для экономии воды с таймером FC-2085


Как вам идея научиться печь полезный вкусный домашний хлеб за 1 день?

Edlin Bread

Edlin Bread


About our Bread

Edlin Bread is a unique nutritional product very different to the bread usually found on supermarket shelves. Our Bread is similar in shape but it is actually more moist and dense – qualities which make it more nourishing and sustaining and keep it fresh longer.

To prepare this Bread we use traditional recipes and techniques with natural ingredients:

Our unique baking technology uses the temperature pattern of traditional Russian brick ovens without using oil or vegetable fats and without using added yeast to produce our nutritious Bread. This also keeps it free from the carcinogens that result from more modern and widely used techniques.



How to keep our bread fresh longer?

We recommend that you keep the Bread in a birch bark, wooden or ceramic bread bin that will provide the natural environment for maintaining the freshness of your Bread. If you don’t have a special bread bin, don’t worry, it’s fine to use any strong paper bag or cardboard box, and that’s why we pack our Bread this way.




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